Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work? Scientific Review From Dr. John Kelly and the RRI
Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work? from Worldview on Vimeo.
Dr. John Kelly of the MGH Recovery Research Institute led the most rigorous scientific review of Alcoholics Anonymous performed to date. Study results suggest that AA and other 12-step programs for addressing alcohol use disorder are very effective at supporting abstinence, improving alcohol-related outcomes, and doing so in a cost-effective way. In this video, the background of AA is explained, key study findings are highlighted, and Dr. Kelly, along with co-author Dr. Keith Humphreys of Stanford, discuss their work. The review was published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Study authors are Dr. John Kelly of the MGH Recovery Research Institute and Harvard Medical School, Keith Humphreys of Stanford University, and Dr. Marica Ferri of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.